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Vertical Epic 10.10.10

Vertical Epic 10.10.10

Пивоварна: Stone Brewing Co. Escondido
Стил:Belgian-Style Pale Ale - Belgian and French Ale
ABV:9.5 %
IBU: n/a
Средна оценка: n/a
Добавена в onTap:00-00-0000

Още: Fermented with the legendary Ardennes strain of Belgian yeast, 10.10.10 is a Belgian Strong Pale Ale brewed with pale malt and triticale (a cross of wheat and rye), hopped with German Perle hops, and steeped with chamomile during the whirlpool stage. In secondary fermentation, we added a juice blend of Muscat, Gewurztraminer, and Sauvignon Blanc grape varieties.

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