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Brewery: Pelta Brewing Plovdiv
Style:IPA - New England -
ABV:6.6 %
IBU: n/a
Average rating: n/a
Added to onTap:16-05-2020

More: Anti-IPA on the ANcient THeatre scene. This is a New England style India Pale Ale, dry hopped with Mosaic, Callista & Centennial.

Seen on tap at :

Hopium Taproom Plovdiv 28/11/20
BiraBar : Крафт бира & Cask Ale Sofia 24/09/20
100 Beers Sofia 15/06/20
Колобри на бирата / Beer Kolobars Stara Zagora 07/06/20
White Stork Republic Sofia 01/06/20
Vitamin B Sofia 31/05/20
Nosferatu Craft Beer Shop Sofia 25/05/20

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