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Brauhaus Bevog

Brauhaus Bevog





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БираСтил ABV Активен на Място
BajaBaja Stout - Oatmeal 5.8 12/10/2020 Crafter
BuzzBuzz IPA - New England / Hazy 5.7 29/12/2024 Crafter Bar
Deetz Blonde / Golden Ale - Other 4.8 29/03/2024 Crafter Bar
Extinction Is Forever!: Aye-AyeExtinction Is Forever!: Aye-Aye Pale Ale - New England / Hazy 5.1 17/01/2024 Crafter Bar
Extinction Is Forever!: Hawksbill Sea TurtleExtinction Is Forever!: Hawksbill Sea Turtle Pale Ale - New England 5 22/05/2021 Crafter
Extinction Is Forever!: Hyacinth MacawExtinction Is Forever!: Hyacinth Macaw Pale Ale - New England / Hazy 5.3 22/06/2024 Crafter
Extinction Is Forever!: PangolinExtinction Is Forever!: Pangolin Sour - Fruited 6.7 14/08/2021 Crafter Bar
Extinction Is Forever!: Rufous Hare-WallabyExtinction Is Forever!: Rufous Hare-Wallaby IPA - New England / Hazy 6.7 12/01/2024 Crafter
Extinction Is Forever!: ShoebillExtinction Is Forever!: Shoebill IPA - New England / Hazy 6.8 03/06/2024 Crafter
Extinction Is Forever!: Sun BearExtinction Is Forever!: Sun Bear IPA - Cold 7.2 15/04/2024 Crafter Bar
Extinction Is Forever!: Sunda TigerExtinction Is Forever!: Sunda Tiger IPA - New England 5.8 10/05/2021 Crafter Bar
Extinction Is Forever: Anaimalai Flying FrogExtinction Is Forever: Anaimalai Flying Frog IPA - New England 6 22/01/2021 Crafter
Hagger Blend 1019 PinkHagger Blend 1019 Pink Barleywine - American 12.2 30/09/2022 Crafter Bar
Imperial Raspberry StoutImperial Raspberry Stout Stout - Imperial / Double 10.2 29/05/2023 Crafter Bar
KramahKramah IPA - American 6.5 29/05/2022 Crafter Bar
LolaLola Sour - Fruited 3.5 06/06/2022 Crafter Bar
Punk Rock Holiday Hazy HolidayPunk Rock Holiday Hazy Holiday Pale Ale - American 5.2 16/08/2019 Crafter Bar
RudeenRudeen IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale 7.4 03/06/2020 Crafter Bar
TakTak Pale Ale - American 5.5 10/10/2023 Crafter
Who Cares Editions: Hana 花Who Cares Editions: Hana 花 Witbier 4.4 08/12/2019 White Stork Republic
Who Cares Editions: Hazy BarWho Cares Editions: Hazy Bar Hazy IPA with passion fruit 6.8 27/06/2019 Crafter
Who Cares Editions: LolitaWho Cares Editions: Lolita Sour - Berliner Weisse 3.5 03/10/2019 Crafter Bar
Who Cares Editions: SchwarzbuerWho Cares Editions: Schwarzbuer Schwarzbier 4.5 18/12/2019 Crafter Bar
Who Cares Editions: Snow Shovel Hazy IPAWho Cares Editions: Snow Shovel Hazy IPA IPA - New England 6.7 04/01/2020 White Stork Republic
Who Cares Editions: The Haze Out of Space DDH Hazy IPAWho Cares Editions: The Haze Out of Space DDH Hazy IPA IPA - New England 6.5 25/04/2021 Crafter
Who Cares Editions: Totem Dryhopped SourWho Cares Editions: Totem Dryhopped Sour Sour - Farmhouse IPA 5.4 23/05/2021 Crafter Bar
ZoZo IPA - Session / India Session Ale 4.3 15/01/2020 Crafter Bar