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NilssonNew beer on onTap.bg

Now onTap# 7 at :
 Diagonal Craft Beer Bar ул. „Софроний Врачански“ 22, Varna Show on map

Added OnTap: 05-11-2019
Unique views:825
Brewery: Edge Brewing
Style:IPA - Sour
ABV:5.9 %
IBU: n/a

A Sour IPA that combines kaffir lime and toasted coconut - we used our paella pan to do this! - with hops to lend further citrussy and tropical fruit flavours. Beer festivals are always a lot of fun but they are even better when you walk away with new friends. We met Pim from De Moersleutel this year at a few events and right away we started planning a brew together together. Nilsson Sour IPA was the hoppy, yet especially refreshing outcome.

Average rating for Nilsson : 5 of5 with1 ratings

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